Deliverables schedule

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we requested and obtained a 10-month extension of the project duration from the EU. For this reason, a number of deliverables have had their end date postponed:
Shyfte WP1 Deliverables
- D1.1 – The Syfte 4.0 questionnaire to collect the needs of SMEs in terms of skills and knowledge
- D1.1 (Part 1) – Literature review of Industry 4.0: The objectives of this deliverable are to:
- Provide a definition of the main concepts related to industry 4.0
- Describe existing competency concepts and models
- Analyze these models and their application in HEI
- D1.1 (Part 2) – Literature review on industry 4.0: The objective of this deliverable is to analyze current teaching and learning curricula in Asia, for the four application domains (AI, Software Engineering, Wireless Networks, BigData Analytics)
- D1.1 (Part 3) – Literature review on industry 4.0: The objectives are:
- Identify the determinants of enterprise budget relative to the introduction of Industry 4.0 innovations.
- Analyze how these determinants may evolve over time with respect to the adoption of Industry 4.0
- Analyze the results of the proposed model using the Structure Equation Modelling
- D1.2 – An emerging Skills 4.0 model: This deliverable describes the gap between the skills required by industry and the skills acquired in HEIs. The objectives of this deliverable are to:
- analyse the gap by overlaying 4.0 skills with existing skills in HEIs
- propose an emerging model for 4.0 skills (emerging skills; disparate skills, changing skills,…).
- D1.3 – A Skill4.0 based teaching and learning framework: The first part of the document describes the computational model for skills & knowledge transfer in industry 4.0. In the second part, The Shyfte Teaching & Learning Framework introduces the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) aligned specifically to each Learning Center of excellence objectives and processes (by domain).
- D1.4 – The Designed teaching programs and learning materials: This deliverable concerns the teaching and learning programs and materials. The design of the learning materials is based on the framework and skills 4.0 model defined in the deliverable D1.3 and provides the models of skills 4.0 for the four domains of excellence. The teaching and learning strategies for deploying the four pilots of the WP2 are also defined in this deliverable
Shyfte WP2 Deliverables
- D2.1 – Pilot 1: Industrial engineering and Management: The objectives of this deliverable are to describe the implementation of the Pilot in CMU and KU: the learning materials, the Training of trainers sessions (ToT) , the evaluation of the quality of the learning material and training, the Training of students sessions (ToS), the mitigation actions and the sustainabilty plan.
- D2.2 – Pilot 2: Software engineering and Big Data Analytics: The objectives of this deliverable are to describe the implementation of the Pilot in CUIT and CDU: the learning materials, the Training of trainers sessions (ToT) , the evaluation of the quality of the learning material and training, the Training of students sessions (ToS), the mitigation actions and the sustainabilty plan.
- D2.3 – Pilot 3: Wireless Networks Analytics: The objectives of this deliverable are to describe the implementation of the Pilot in UPM: the learning materials, the Training of trainers sessions (ToT) , the evaluation of the quality of the learning material and training, the Training of students sessions (ToS), the mitigation actions and the sustainabilty plan.
- D2.4 – Pilot 4: Artificial Intelligence: The objectives of this deliverable are to describe the implementation of the Pilot in UTM: the learning materials, the Training of trainers sessions (ToT) , the evaluation of the quality of the learning material and training, the Training of students sessions (ToS), the mitigation actions and the sustainabilty plan.
- D2.5 – Skills 4.0 Training and Learning Center of Excellence: The objective of this deliverable is to define the protocol of operation and internal articulation of the Learning Center of Excellence, define the center’s laboratory operation, define the diffusion and dissemination system and the internal evaluation system of the center’s operation.
- D2.6 – Learning Center as Innovation Lab: This deliverable presents the specifications and how to use the Learning Center Portal. It presents in detail the user guide for users, teachers and administrators of the platform
- D2.7 – Evaluation of innovative solutions for training and exploitation: This document presents a methodology for the technical and business evaluation of innovative technological solutions to be integrated in the developed Learning Centers of Excellence.
Shyfte WP3 Deliverables
- D3.1 – Strategic Quality Plan: The objectives are the following:
- analyze the effectiveness of the teaching and learning model
- define the quality indicators to analyze and evaluate the transfer of skills 4.0
- D3.2 – Quality audit report: This document describes the quality audits design and aims to analyze the quality audits of the learning processes and training.
- D3.3- Sustainability Assurance Plan: The objective of this deliverable is to describe the sustainability plan designed for higher education institutions in partner countries to ensure the continuation of this key activity beyond the end of the project.
Shyfte WP4 Deliverables
- D4.1: Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy: The aim of this plan is to define and develop the visibility and communication strategy of the project.
- D4.2: Project Website: This document describes the design methodology adopted for the creation of the Shyfte website and the corresponding prototype which, in the final phase leading to the deployment of the official version of the Shyfte website. It also introduces the different social networks and the social media management.
- D4.3: Publicity: This document identifies the publicity initiatives, the promotional materials (leaflets, blogs…), the participation in press release, social networks….
- D4.4: Formal and Informal meetings, conference days, etc.: This deliverable presents the results of the Shyfte project dissemination. The document summarizes the participation of Shyfte project members in formal and informal meetings; the international presence of Shyfte members in conferences, as well as in industrial workshops and academic seminars.
- D4.5: Awareness dissemination and acceptance of emerging skills 4.0: This document identifies dissemination activities to encourage the creation of similar initiatives in universities and outreach to businesses.
- D4.6: Network centres and observatory exploitation: This document describes what the network of Learning Centers of excellence and the Industry 4.0 observatory will be for the project partner’s regions. It also defines the system that will support the creation of patents and spin-offs in these 4.0 competence network centers.
- D4.7: Report of scientific publications: This deliverable report of publication in indexed journals, and the participation in national and international scientific conferences.
Shyfte WP5 Deliverables
- D5.2: Project management coordination and reporting: This deliverable is the final report of the project, it includes a final publishable summary report comprising a description of the main results, potential impact and main dissemination activities.
- D5.3: Project periodic reports: This document is the summary of the periodic reports (for each reporting period) comprising a summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in the project plan. This report includes the differences between work expected to be carried out and that actually done, as well as explanation of the use of the resources and a financial statement from each partner.