
The overall aims of Shyfte 4.0

The main motivation of Shyfte is to bring together the targeted countries with their specific skills in ICT  to optimize and manage productivity, human labour, safety and social issues related to Industry 4.0.  

Asian Partner Countries involved in this project are facing rapid radical changes in their industrial systems, due to the high requirement from their stakeholders to be efficient, costs effective by following the 4th wave of industrial revolution to improve their skills and competencies.

Partners Countries need better learning and teaching methodologies to get clear instructions on how to prepare workforce to the industry of the future,  and for HEIs, in association with SMEs, to bridge the skills gap and boost the job market at regional, national and international level.” 

Shyfte aims to develop Skills 4.0 in association with HEIs and industrial SMEs by adopting state-of-the art technologies to improve the working environments and to valorize the human working content.