
Shyfte Dissemination

Shyfte in institutional websites

UTM Website: https://www.utm.my/shyfte/

ULL website: https://www.univ-lyon2.fr/international/projets-internationaux-et-cooperation/shyfte-4-0

UPM website: https://eng.upm.edu.my/research/research_grants/euro_asian_partner_network_of_shyfte_40_erasmus%2B_project-61325

CUIT website: https://english.cuit.edu.cn/newsfin.jsp?urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&wbtreeid=1017&wbnewsid=1532

CDU website: https://ele.cdu.edu.cn/kzgc/info/1004/1214.htm

UNS website: https://www.unisannio.it/it/articoli/industria-40-unisannio-partner-italiano-nel-progetto-shyfte-con-cina-e-malesia

UNL website: https://www.unl.pt/en/nova/shyfte

ULL IUT website: https://iut.univ-lyon2.fr/recherche/les-projets

UTM website: https://news.utm.my/2019/03/utm-appointed-as-a-partner-university-in-erasmus-shyfte-4-0-project/

ULL DISP Laboratory website: https://www.disp-lab.fr/fr/node/208

Shyfte in Medias

Shyfte on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shyfteproject/

Shyfte on UTM Facebook: Shyfte 4.0 in School of Electrical Engineering Webinar Series: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=625830215029883

Article in the online magazine Automazione news.Title: Industria 4.0 e ricerca: Unisannio costruisce un ponte con l’Asia: https://www.automazionenews.it/industria-4-0-e-ricerca-unisannio-costruisce-un-ponte-con-lasia/

Article in an UTM news portal: “UTM appointed as a partner University in Erasmus+ Shyfte 4.0 project”: https://news.utm.my/2019/03/utm-appointed-as-a-partner-university-in-erasmus-shyfte-4-0-project/

Article in an online newspaper, “The Star”, in Malaysia : https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education/2020/01/30/university-as-a-platform-for-high-impact-synergy-with-industry

SHYFTE 4.0 presentation in the Thailand Research Exposition 2020: https://www.ai-it.tech/2020/07/run-8-2563-thailand-research-expo-2020.html?m=1

IEEE Communication, Pr Aduwati Sali (UPM): https://people.utm.my/muazzah/category/industrial-revolution-4-0/

UTM – Research Grant Coaching Workshop (online): Pr. Dr. Sharifah Kamilah has delvered a talk on Shyfte 4.0 in “Research Grant Coaching Workshop”, organized by RFTI Research and innovation Office of UTM. The workshop was held on 8 september 2021. The aim was to share her experience from Erasmus+ Shyfte 4.0 project

Article in the online magazine Industria 4.0.Title: Unisannio partner italiano nel progetto SHYFTE con Cina e Malesia: https://www.ntr24.tv/2019/01/10/industria-4-0-unisannio-partner-italiano-nel-progetto-shyfte-con-cina-e-malesia/

UTM – Sharing Session on International Grant Experience: Dr. Norjulia Mohamad Nordin was one of the speakers in the SKE Shine Sharing Session. During the talk, Dr. Norjulia presented her experience as on of the researchers in the Shyfte 4.0 project. She introduced the Pilot 4: Artificial Intelligence, as part of the project dissemination.

Youtube – Shyfte Pilot 3: Wireless Networks Analytics UPM

Youtube – Seminar ETAT Sharing experiences between three Erasmus+ projects (ETAT, MSE4.0 and SHYFTE 4.0):

Youtube – Shyfte Pilot 4: Artificial Intelligence UTM

Youtube – Shyfte 4.0 Pilot 1 – Industrial Engineering & Management – CMU & KU

Youtube – Pilot 4 – Artificial Intelligence – UTM

Youtube – Pilot 2 Software Engineering & Big Data Anbalytics – CDU & CUIT

Youtube – Shyfte 4.0 in School of Electrical Engineering Webinar Series – UTM:

Youtube Shyfte 4.0 Learning Center

Shyfte in Seminars & Workshops

Keynote Speaker in the 8th International Conference on Innovation and New Trends in Information Technology (2019): http://intis19.conferences-it.com/

Industry 4.0 & Skills Development in Erasmus+ Projects Workshop – 15th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering and Education (2019): https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ceisee2019

Seminar Related EU Project: The annual meeting of SME4.0 project (May 2019): https://www.sme40.eu/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2019-2/

SHYFTE Industrial Wokshop– CMU Thailand (March 2019) – Northern Science and Technology Park

Company Visit to present Shyfte project objectives & analyse the Skills gap (March 2019): Company HEXA CERAM (Chiang Mai)

Seminar in Chengdu International cultural week (october 2019): http://news.cdu.edu.cn/index.php?m=news&a=show&news_id=25705

Company Visit to present Shyfte project objectives & analyse the Skills gap (October 2019): Sichuan zhunda information technology co. LTD (October 2019)

Seminar in Doctoral Workshop PhD on the go “Marco Garetti” (May 2019): https://www.ding.unisannio.it/users/biagio/Unisannio_PhD_on_the_go_2019

Seminar GDR MACS (CNRS) – INSA de Strasbourg (November 2019): https://macs-afia-2019.sciencesconf.org/

Seminar during the 43rd UPM Graduation Ceremony Exhibition (November 2019): Booth exhibition

Seminar in Winter Meeting of Industrial Systems Engineering Professors (February 2020)

Webinar SHYFTE 4.0 in UTM School of Electrical Engineering Webinar Series (August 2020): https://www.utm.my/shyfte/2020/08/08/shyfte-4-0-in-school-of-electrical-engineering-webinar-series/

Seminar International Putra InnoCreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning (October 2020): http://cade2.upm.edu.my/PicTL2020/Poster_Competition.html

Seminar UTM Erasmus Day (October 2020): https://www.utm.my/erasmusplus/utm/

Shyfte Chengdu University Academic Webinar: “Skill Development for Industry 4.0 » On October 28, 2021


Shyfte Industrial Workshop: « Skills for the Industry of the future » (March 2022)

Shyfte Research Workshop: « Skills for the Industry of the future » (April 2022)

Shyfte Webinar: « Skill Development for Industry 4.0: An Innovation Perspective », Bangkok (May 2022)

Shyfte Industrial Workshop: « Learning Center: Skills for Industry 4.0 », Chiang Mai (August 2022)