« Skills for the Industry of the future »
Thursday 03 March 2022, 08:00h (Portugal) / 09:00h (France, Italy) / 16:00h (Malaysia/China) / 15:00h (Thailand)
On Thursday, March 3, 2022, an industrial workshop was organized to promote discussions and exchanges between companies and HEIs on the theme of « Skills for the Industry of the future ». About thirty participants were able to listen to the testimony of 4 companies (two from EU and two from Asia) on the needs in skills and competences within the framework of the digitalization of their process and the evolution towards the industry of the future:
- Mr Jensen Joymengul, Lindé Company (France)
- Mr Tiago Santos, Muvu Company (Portugal)
- Mr Faizal Ali, Vectolabs Bhd (Malaysia)
- Ms. Zhiyu Chang, Technology Co., Ltd, Banyan (China)

A big thank you to the companies and participants for the quality and richness of the exchanges